

The jewel in the crown for those of us looking for a few right-handers that are not terrifying yet still offer enough challenges to make a session exciting. Yoyos has everything from fun, rippable sections to long barrels and all the bits in between. The best thing about Yoyos is that it is not formidable. A leisurely paddle out and a straightforward take-off on most waves make Yoyos popular for moms and dads, longboarders, mid-length cruisers and others who are not dedicated tube-hounds.

It is an all-around fun wave that pretty much everyone can enjoy. For this reason, it tends to get a little busy at times, but with a more relaxed vibe than other spots, as most people in the water are out there to simply have fun. However, it can also deliver if you are on the hunt for tube time. You just need to know where to sit on the Hook section. The Wedge is the rebound wave that is super fast and wedges off the cliffs. It is friendly but powerful, with some good sections before a sudden ending. The Hook sits further down the reef and is more of an established wave with a perfect reef edge for the waves to trail along. It is further away from the cliffs and lines up nicely. This is where you’ll find the odd tube section, and you can set up for a tube ride and some power carves and other more functional turns.

Yoyos is not too heavy and can be enjoyed by almost all but the very basic beginner. It’s best to get it before there are any signs of the Trades or any sniff of a major swell. The early morning glass is the best time to hit it, and if you get it on an uncrowded early morning, four-foot swell before the trade starts puffing, you’ll have one of the most fun sessions of your life.

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